IKEA's Developer Portal

IKEA's developer portal has not been updated for 2-3 years. There are many new apps that IKEA plans to open to global developers, like IKEA Meetings, IKEA Spaces, and IKEA AR Shopping. As a member of the UI team, I have been tasked with exploring different visual directions and designing the portal while maintaining IKEA's brand identity.


Nov 2021 - Present

Key Highlights of Portal

Digital Hub

The IKEA Developer Portal is the digital hub for information about IKEA APIs and reusable digital components.


It will allow IKEA co-workers and external developers to actively contribute to global initiatives and conceptualisation.

Work Together Globally

It will enable IKEA entities, partners, professionals, and individuals to work together and develop digital solutions.

My Role

- I led the design process of this project from the initial kick-off to final delivery for desktop, including responsive experience.

- I worked with a large team of engineers from Sweden (backend and frontend), and my peer project manager.

- Throughout the design process, I engaged in constant feedback loops with my fellow UX design & research colleagues, who challenged my ideas and helped to finalise ideas & solutions.

- While working on this project as a contributor, I also supported Skapa Design System in maintaining the brand identity, project objectives, and accessibility.


Nov 2021 - Present

My Role

I’m responsible for creating high fidelity wireframes and converting them into visual designs

Current Design

Problems with Current Design
1. Portal design not consistent with IKEA's Skapa design system.
2. The sections are not separated properly, making it hard for users to discover required information.
3. No documentation for IKEA's newly released apps.


Nov 2021 - Present

My Role

I’m responsible for creating high fidelity wireframes and converting them into visual designs
Due to the NDA, some details of this project cannot be revealed.

Design Process



Below are some sketches that were created during brainstorming sessions.
Once paper wireframes were completed, we began creating digital wireframes to see how the screens would look online.
You can view all images here.

Style Guide - Skapa Design System

Skapa is a digital ecosystem for people at IKEA to help each other align, design, develop and ship better IKEA digital products.
Entire style guide can be seen here.

Final Designs

Login & Sign Up
Skapa is a digital ecosystem for people at IKEA to help each other align, design, develop and ship better IKEA digital products.
User Profile
Skapa is a digital ecosystem for people at IKEA to help each other align, design, develop and ship better IKEA digital products.
Home Page
Skapa is a digital ecosystem for people at IKEA to help each other align, design, develop and ship better IKEA digital products.
Asset Catalogue & Asset Details
Asset Catalogue is a place where users from across the world can access digital resources that are uploaded by developers and approved by IKEA.
Prototype :

Asset Catalog

Asset Details

Next Project