Sports Store App

An App for Ardent Fans

Mockup image of 2 screens.

Sports Store App

An app for ardent sport fans

Sports Store App

An app for ardent sport fans

Mockup image of 2 screens.
Mockup image of 2 screens.

What is Sports Store App?

The Sports Store App caters to ardent sports fans. Nowadays, sports personalities build their own brands or become ambassadors for a variety of brands. The issue of navigating numerous websites/apps and checking what products they endorse is often difficult for fans. This app contains a store for each sportsperson that includes products/services endorsed by that person.


This is a personal project. I worked on this project from April 2021 to July 2021 as part of my Google's UX Design Certification.

Project Duration

April 2021 - July 2021
Note: This project was done as a part of Google's UX Design certification.

The Problem

- In India, sports have a huge influence on everyone.

- Whether it is Cricket, Football, Tennis, etc. athletes from sports are highly influential. With that kind of popularity, athletes are able to endorse brands they believe in.

- But often, those endorsements are just one social media post, which begin to fade over time. In case fans want to buy services/products after a certain time, it's hard to find them.

There is no platform where fans can explore all the products/services endorsed by athletes.

It was important for me to understand why the problem arises before trying to solve it. I focused on why first, then explored deeper. After interviewing five sports fans, I noticed below pattern in their responses.

Why will fans purchase the products that are advertised by athletes?

- Assurance of product quality.
- Emotional connection that comes with being a loyal fan.

Let's understand with an example how does a fan face issues while purchasing a product:

- A fan browses popular e-commerce websites like Flipkart, Amazon, Myntra or searches directly on Google.
- Results are not always 100% accurate. Let's look at an example:

- Even though Flipkart has the product(Too Yumm Chips - Virat Kohli Chips Brand) listed on their website, searching with "Virat Kohli Chips" gives a completely different result. We have to search specifically for the Brand Name - "Too Yumm Chips".

- Although Google displays the right product, it does not provide a website to purchase it.

The Goal

To build a platform where sports fans can -

- Explore and purchase only those products/services endorsed by their favorite athletes.
- Purchase the merch of trending sporting events like the Olympics, IPL, WT20 World Cup.
- Discover and book ideas for how people can renovate their rooms and offices with sports-related decor. (Future goals)


Conducting interviews, paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, and iterating on designs.

User Research

I conducted primary user research to understand how users feel about
- sports,
- athletes promoting brands, and
- their experiences using those brands.

Primary Users: Sport Fans
Duration: 30mins

Findings from the interviews

- Cricket is considered the only sport in India because of it's popularity.
- The community of sports like tennis, hockey, badminton is very small.
- The popularity of male athletes is still very high.
- India has very few female sports fans, even in cricket.
- Female merchandise styles are almost nonexistent.
- It's very difficult to explore all the products endorsed by athletes.
- It's difficult sometimes to differentiate between genuine and copy products.
- In India, It's extremely difficult to order merch for international sport events like the Olympics, FIFA, etc. because of very high handling charges.

The community of sports like tennis, hockey, badminton is very small.
The popularity of male athletes is still very high.
India has very few female sports fans, even in cricket.
It's very difficult to explore all the products endorsed by athletes.
It's difficult sometimes to differentiate between genuine and copy products.
Female merchandise styles are almost nonexistent.
It's extremely difficult to order merch for international sport events like the Olympics, FIFA, etc. because of very high handling charges.

Pain Points

Based on all the research and interviews, the following are the most important pain points.

User Personas

Based on secondary research and interview findings, I mapped out qualitative personas to get key insights about user motivations, expectations and needs.

Competitive Research and Findings

In order to gain an understanding of the competitive landscape, I compiled a list of all competitors and examined their apps and websites, comparing their product offerings and browsing experiences.

- Easy Navigation
- Clean Design
- Minimal Brand Colors
- Nice photography
- Too much features in single app distracts sometimes.
- Not equipped for screen reader tech.
- Clean and Simple Design
- Mobile website have similar experience as Desktop
- Not equipped for screen reader tech.
- Very less product options
- Strong visual design and branding
- Modern designs to attract Millenials
- Slightly difficult navigation experience
- Too many options is overwhelming sometimes
- Not equipped for screen reader tech
- Classic branding
- Mobile website have similar experience as desktop
- Equipped for screen reader tech
- Difficult to navigate
- Very less options available related to Sports

User Journey

I noticed some patterns in the expectations of users based on the user interviews. Based on those insights, below is a user journey I created.

Information Architecture

When I had a good deal of insight from the research, I started shaping the solution. Creating a user journey helped me figure out the path to reach the goal for the user. Below is the Information Architecture for the Sports Store App. I decided on the name - Sports Store as it will contain every product that is related to sports and athletes.


I took design inspiration from various e-commerce platforms like Flipkart, AJIO, Myntra, etc. to understand their design systems. I began with paper sketches, and later, after finalizing them on paper, I designed low fidelity wireframes in Figma.

Paper Wireframes

Low Fidelity Wireframes

Testing competitor apps helped me draft low fidelity wireframes to map out various screens that a user would see in the app. Particularly, I focused on home screens, searching for a sport/product, and the product pages. Below is the basic flow of the app.

Visual Design

After creating wireframes, I then focused on user interface design, as well as how the visual language of the app would support the purpose of creating a user-friendly experience.

1. Moodboard

Before deciding the color palette, I created a moodboard to get a feel for the design direction.


2. Color Palette

- I used blue as the primary color as it represents the color of Indian sports.
- I used yellow as a secondary color as it is always associated with gold, medals & trophies.
- There were neutral shades of grey used for disabled states, borders, texts, lines, and backgrounds.

3. Typography

4. Accessibility

After selecting the colors and typography, I ran the accessibility check on the initial frames to ensure text is readable for users. Below is the result:

Final Designs

Flows covered:
- SignUp/Login Screen
- Home Screen
- Trending Sport Events
- Athlete Store
- Place an order

1. SignUp/Login Screen

2) Home Screen

3) Current Sports Tournaments Merch Store

4) Athlete Stores

5) Place an Order

Final Prototype

The live prototype can be found here: Link

Future Scope

Now that we have given shape to our solution, I was thinking about the future scope of this project. How can we scale up the project? What features can we add? I have outlined the future scope of the project below:

- More Athletes: Adding athletes from diverse sports.
- E-Sports: The E-Sports industry in India is booming right now, their players also have a large following. I would like their stores to be added to the App.
- Theme Spaces: the trend of renovating homes and offices in sports themes is also growing in India, but the options are few. It would be nice to have such a feature in the app suggesting ideas and helping them in implementation.


This was my first solo design challenge, and every step of the process taught me something new. Through practicing each step and understanding my mistakes, I now have a good understanding of the design thinking process.

Next Project

Dreams App Case Study
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